2345 Discovery Drive, London, ON N6M 0C6 CANADA
1-888-423-0038 questions@boscoandroxys.com
HOURS: Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm
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Our prices are attainable while still reflecting our commitment to provide a delicious, memorable, photo-worthy treat.
With premium, adorable designs for every occasion, our cookies are known for being noticed.
Made with the top ingredients that dogs are proven to love, the taste of our cookies have kept our customers coming back since 2007.
We are committed to helping animals in need all other the world with our RRUF program, a reservoir fund that deploys support where it is needed the most.
“We start with the money, not with the cause. So when something happens, the Rapid Response Urgency Fund (RRUF) can be there and provide support immediately.”
- Jaymie Crook Co-Owner of BNR
Read more about the RRUF Fund HERE. Let us celebrate with you and know that with the purchase of every cookie, you help an animal in need celebrate too.
2345 Discovery Drive, London, ON N6M 0C6 CANADA
1-888-423-0038 questions@boscoandroxys.com
HOURS: Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm
Sign-up today to receive collection updates, promos and exclusive offers directly to your inbox!
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